Common Names Herae's spider orchid
Homotypic Synonyms:-
Meaning:- Ophrys (L) Eye-brow, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny.
Herae (Gr) Possibly for the Greek Goddess Herae.
General description:- Mostly stocky and strong perennial plants
1) To 40 cm.
1) Basal, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, mucronate.
2) Cauline, 1-2, lanceolate, acute.
1) Spike, 2-7 flowers.
2) Sepals, green, slightly washed red at the lower half.
3) Petals,triangular-lanceolate, green-reddish.
4) Labellum, medium-sized, entire, spreading, barely convex, velvety, dark red-
5) Appendix, small, yellow.
6) Speculum, gray-silvery, occasionally with a few blue dots towards the part of the
base surrounded by a thin, whitish outline.
7) Horns, pale red, with white hair outside and smooth inside. Pilosily of white,
denser at the shoulders, Margins smooth, reddish. Basal field brown green-
orange, as well as the stigmatic cavity that has a small specular surface, white,
bordered by gray-green and pseudo-eyes, green with a black dot in the middle.1)
1) Data sourced from "The Self Grown Orchids of Greece" Antonis Alibertis 2015
1) Capsule, dehiscing, by 3 or 6 longitudinal slits.
2) Seeds, numerous, minute, with undifferentiated embryo and no endosperm
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, scrubland vegetation, meadows, open
Distribution:- Samos and probably in the south Peloponnese. On Crete distribution
Flowering time:- Mar-May.
Photos by:- Currently none available